Welcome to PeWe-Verlag
We are a publishing-house for scientific literature focussing our efforts on the archaeology and cultures of the Ancient Near East and Ancient Egypt.
By and by, however, we aim to include in our programme publications from other disciplines as well. Authors and editors are invited to contact us so that we may realize their projects together.
In addition to publishing we also offer services in the fields of book-design and pre-press.
Books in preparation:
BBVO 28: J. Klinger/S. Fischer (Hrsg.), Keilschriftliche Syllabare. Zur Methodik ihrer Erstellung.
BBVO 29: E. Cancik-Kirschbaum/J.C. Johnson (eds.), Encoding metalinguistic awareness: ancient Mesopotamia and beyond
BeiträgeBf 22: L. Rembart, Syene IV. Die ptolemäische und römische Keramik aus Areal 2 und Areal 13c
By the way: the dromedary in the logo is taken from a medieval manuscript and stands for our special relation to the cultures of the Ancient Near East.